The second development release of Agroal improves the Narayana integration, as well as aligns with the development of the upcoming WildFly integration.
Feature Request
- AG-14 - Implement a wrapper for HikariCP
- AG-12 - Add OSGi bundle metadata
- AG-13 - Fix the classloader used for loading the implementation
- AG-24 - Fix username property in the connection factory
- AG-25 - Return a new connection wrapper for connectable resources
- AG-11 - Create a simple web page
- AG-15 - Implement a benchmark
- AG-16 - Continous integration
- AG-17 - Deprecate PrefillMode and introduce initialSize
- AG-18 - Add constructor and factory methods to AgroalDatasource that take AgroalListener as parameter
- AG-19 - Implement integration with JBoss Threads for interrupt protection
- AG-20 - Misc. code improvements suggested by static analysis
- AG-21 - Allow connections without transaction in JTA environments
- AG-22 - Deprecate interrupt protection and remove jboss-threads integration
- AG-23 - Proper implementation of XAResourceWrapper