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Main configuration of pgagroal.

Property Default Unit Required Description
host String Yes The bind address for pgagroal
port Int Yes The bind port for pgagroal
unix_socket_dir String Yes The Unix Domain Socket location
metrics 0 Int No The metrics port (disable = 0)
metrics_cache_max_age String No The number of seconds to keep in cache a Prometheus (metrics) response. Can be a string with a suffix, like `2m` to indicate 2 minutes (disable = 0)
metrics_cache_max_size String No The maximum amount of data to keep in cache when serving Prometheus responses. Changes require restart. This parameter determines the size of memory allocated for the cache even if `metrics_cache_max_age` or `metrics` are disabled. Its value, however, is taken into account only if `metrics_cache_max_age` is set to a non-zero value. Supports suffixes: 'B' (bytes), the default if omitted, 'K' or 'KB' (kilobytes), 'M' or 'MB' (megabytes), 'G' or 'GB' (gigabytes) (disable = 0)
management 0 Int No The remote management port (disable = 0)
log_type console String No The logging type (console, file, syslog)
log_level info String No The logging level, any of the (case insensitive) strings FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO and DEBUG (that can be more specific as DEBUG1 thru DEBUG5). Debug level greater than 5 will be set to DEBUG5. Not recognized values will make the log_level be INFO
log_rotation_age 0 String No The age that will trigger a log file rotation. If expressed as a positive number, is managed as seconds. Supports suffixes: 'S' (seconds, the default), 'M' (minutes), 'H' (hours), 'D' (days), 'W' (weeks). A value of 0 disables
log_rotation_size 0 String No The size of the log file that will trigger a log rotation. Supports suffixes: 'B' (bytes), the default if omitted, 'K' or 'KB' (kilobytes), 'M' or 'MB' (megabytes), 'G' or 'GB' (gigabytes). A value of 0 (with or without suffix) disables
log_line_prefix %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S String No A strftime(3) compatible string to use as prefix for every log line. Must be quoted if contains spaces
log_path pgagroal.log String No The log file location
log_mode append String No Append to or create the log file (append, create)
log_connections off Bool No Log connects
log_disconnections off Bool No Log disconnects
blocking_timeout 30 Int No The number of seconds the process will be blocking for a connection (disable = 0)
idle_timeout 0 Int No The number of seconds a connection is been kept alive (disable = 0)
validation off String No Should connection validation be performed. Valid options: off, foreground and background
background_interval 300 Int No The interval between background validation scans in seconds
max_retries 5 Int No The maximum number of iterations to obtain a connection
max_connections 100 Int No The maximum number of connections to PostgreSQL (max 10000)
allow_unknown_users true Bool No Allow unknown users to connect
authentication_timeout 5 Int No The number of seconds the process will wait for valid credentials
pipeline auto String No The pipeline type (auto, performance, session, transaction)
auth_query off Bool No Enable authentication query
failover off Bool No Enable failover support
failover_script String No The failover script to execute
tls off Bool No Enable Transport Layer Security (TLS)
tls_cert_file String No Certificate file for TLS. This file must be owned by either the user running pgagroal or root
tls_key_file String No Private key file for TLS. This file must be owned by either the user running pgagroal or root. Additionally permissions must be at least 0640 when owned by root or 0600 otherwise.
tls_ca_file String No Certificate Authority (CA) file for TLS. This file must be owned by either the user running pgagroal or root
libev auto String No Select the libev backend to use. Valid options: auto, select, poll, epoll, iouring, devpoll and port
buffer_size 65535 Int No The network buffer size (SO_RCVBUF and SO_SNDBUF)
keep_alive on Bool No Have SO_KEEPALIVE on sockets
nodelay on Bool No Have TCP_NODELAY on sockets
non_blocking off Bool No Have O_NONBLOCK on sockets
backlog max_connections / 4 Int No The backlog for listen(). Minimum 16
hugepage try String No Huge page support (off, try, on)
tracker off Bool No Track connection lifecycle
track_prepared_statements off Bool No Track prepared statements (transaction pooling)
pidfile String No Path to the PID file. If omitted, automatically set to unix_socket_dir/
update_process_title verbose String No The behavior for updating the operating system process title, mainly related to connection processes. Allowed settings are: never (or off), does not update the process title; strict to set the process title without overriding the existing initial process title length; minimal to set the process title to username/database; verbose (or full) to set the process title to user@host:port/database. Please note that strict and minimal are honored only on those systems that do not provide a native way to set the process title (e.g., Linux). On other systems, there is no difference between strict and minimal and the assumed behaviour is minimal even if strict is used. never and verbose are always honored, on every system. On Linux systems the process title is always trimmed to 255 characters, while on system that provide a natve way to set the process title it can be longer

Danger zone

Property Default Unit Required Description
disconnect_client 0 Int No Disconnect clients that have been idle for more than the specified seconds. This setting DOES NOT take long running transactions into account
disconnect_client_force off Bool No Disconnect clients that have been active for more than the specified seconds. This setting DOES NOT take long running transactions into account

Server section

Specifies the PostgreSQL instances.

Each section with a name different from pgagroal will be treated as an host section. There can be up to 64 host sections, each with an unique name and different combination of host and port settings, otherwise the pooler will complain about duplicated server configuration.

Property Default Unit Required Description
host String Yes The address of the PostgreSQL instance
port Int Yes The port of the PostgreSQL instance
primary Bool No Identify the instance as primary (hint)
tls off Bool No Enable Transport Layer Security (TLS) support (Experimental - no pooling)
tls_cert_file String No Certificate file for TLS. This file must be owned by either the user running pgagroal or root
tls_key_file String No Private key file for TLS. This file must be owned by either the user running pgagroal or root. Additionally permissions must be at least 0640 when owned by root or 0600 otherwise.
tls_ca_file String No Certificate Authority (CA) file for TLS. This file must be owned by either the user running pgagroal or root
Note, that if host starts with a / it represents a path and pgagroal will connect using a Unix Domain Socket.

The configuration is loaded from either the path specified by the -c flag or /etc/pgagroal/pgagroal.conf.


host = *
port = 2345

log_type = file
log_level = info
log_path = /tmp/pgagroal.log

max_connections = 100
idle_timeout = 600
validation = off
unix_socket_dir = /tmp/

host = localhost
port = 5432


Specifies the host based authentication configuration of pgagroal.

Column Required Description
TYPE Yes Specifies the access method for clients. host and hostssl are supported
DATABASE Yes Specifies the database for the rule. Either specific name or all for all databases
USER Yes Specifies the user for the rule. Either specific name or all for all users
ADDRESS Yes Specifies the network for the rule. all for all networks, or IPv4 address with a mask ( or IPv6 address with a mask (::0/0)
METHOD Yes Specifies the authentication mode for the user. all for all methods, otherwise trust, reject, password, md5 or scram-sha-256

The configuration is loaded from either the path specified by the -a flag or /etc/pgagroal/pgagroal_hba.conf.


host    all      all   all      all
Remote management users needs to have their database set to admin in order for the entry to be considered.


Specifies the limits for a database or a user or both. The limits are the number of connections from pgagroal to PostgreSQL for each entry.

The file also defines the initial and minimum pool size for a database and user pair. Note, that this feature requires a user definition file, see below.

Column Required Description
DATABASE Yes Specifies the database for the rule
USER Yes Specifies the user for the rule
MAX_SIZE Yes Specifies the maximum pool size for the entry. all for max_connections
INITIAL_SIZE No Specifies the initial pool size for the entry. all for MAX_SIZE connections. Default is 0
MIN_SIZE No Specifies the minimum pool size for the entry. all for MAX_SIZE connections. Default is 0

The configuration is loaded from either the path specified by the -l flag or /etc/pgagroal/pgagroal_databases.conf.


mydb       myuser  all

There could be up to 64 limits entries in the configuration file.


The pgagroal_users configuration defines the users known to the system. This file is created and managed through the pgagroal-admin tool.

The configuration is loaded from either the path specified by the -u flag or /etc/pgagroal/pgagroal_users.conf.

There could be up to 64 user entries in the configuration file.

pgagroal_frontend_users configuration

The pgagroal_frontend_users configuration defines the passwords for the users connecting to pgagroal. This allows the setup to use different passwords for the pgagroal to PostgreSQL authentication. This file is created and managed through the pgagroal-admin tool.

All users defined in the frontend authentication must be defined in the user vault (-u).

Frontend users (-F) requires a user vault (-u) to be defined.

The configuration is loaded from either the path specified by the -F flag or /etc/pgagroal/pgagroal_frontend_users.conf.

There could be up to 64 frontend user entries in the configuration file.


The pgagroal_admins configuration defines the administrators known to the system. This file is created and managed through the pgagroal-admin tool.

The configuration is loaded from either the path specified by the -A flag or /etc/pgagroal/pgagroal_admins.conf.

If pgagroal has both Transport Layer Security (TLS) and "management" enabled then pgagroal-cli can connect with TLS using the files ~/.pgagroal/pgagroal.key (must be 0600 permission), ~/.pgagroal/pgagroal.crt and ~/.pgagroal/root.crt.

There could be up to 64 admin entries in the configuration file.


The pgagroal_superuser configuration defines the superuser known to the system. This file is created and managed through the pgagroal-admin tool. It may only have one user defined.

The configuration is loaded from either the path specified by the -S flag or /etc/pgagroal/pgagroal_superuser.conf.